Focus on Sweden
Photos de Stockholm
Sweden - Svealand - Uppsala

Modern Uppsala

Here are some photos of the current city of Uppsala


The cathedral of Uppsala (Domkyrkan) was built by Etienne de Bonneuil, a french architect from 1270. That's why it looks like french gothic cathedrals. The consecration of the cathedral was in 1435.


The steeples of the cathedral.


The cathedral burned several times and was restaured during the 19th century.


Sight on the cathedral from the castle of Uppsala.


Sight on the cathedral from the castle of Uppsala.


Inside the cathedral.

Baroque pulpitBaroque pulpit

Inside the cathedral : a baroque pulpit sculped by Burckhardt Precht.


The entrance of the cathedral.


The entrance on the side of the cathedral.

Helga Trefaldighets churchHelga Trefaldighets church

Helga Trefaldighets church is close to the cathedral. It was built in 1343.

Close to the castleClose to the castle

A building close to the castle.


A steeple close to the castle.

Botanic gardenBotanic garden

The botanic garden of the university (Botaniska trädgården), in front of the castle.


A house close to the cathedral.


The Gustavianum was the building of the university of Uppsala from 1680 to 1887. It is now a museum that presents the history of this university. We can dicover the anatomy lecture theatre.

Engraved stoneEngraved stone

This engraved stone is close to the cathedral. There are a total of 7 and were made in the 17th century.

Medieval great wallMedieval great wall

The Skytteanum is a rest of the medieval great wall which was protecting Uppsala.

University houseUniversity house

The university house (Universitethuset).

University libraryUniversity library

Carola Rediviva is the richest university library of Sweden. It counts 30000 manuscripts and 2 millions books.


The great square of Uppsala (Store Torget).

Images of Stockholm
© Arnaud Lecus , Focus on Sweden - Photos of Scandinavia , 2002-2012, Any use of the photographs and the contents presented in this website without my agreement is strictly prohibited
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